Washington man beaten to death by police as he cried for help in front of witnesses


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Ron Hillstrom tased and beat to death by Pierce County WA Police Department

OMG… Don’t ever call 911

What gives me hope is that we live in the era of the cellphone video. We are seeing what before no one saw. And it means this is being brought to light.

I believe there is no reason every cop should not have a video system mounted right on him.

Just like a black box in an airplane, these video cameras would record in a loop of so many hours and uploaded to the cloud.

In the event of any possibly criminal incident, his camera data is immediately put into evidence.

Cops do not need privacy while on the job. We have good reason to monitor their activities at all time.

SMH…. I hope those officers enjoyed their paid vacation

Just another murder that citizens are powerless to prevent or even get justice for.

If you get pulled over be sure to go somewhere with lots of people around or you could end up like this guy.

Based on the minimal information presented, the only thing I have difficulty understanding is how four officers cannot seem to cuff/shackle one man

The man is down, officer has his knee on his neck (perfectly acceptable police procedure when suspect is resisting), the other three should be able to easily joint-lock and restrain suspect.


Instead, the suspect is repeatedly clubbed (according to eyewitness reports).

We need specialized mental health professionals on call to deal with these sorts of situations.

All of the witnesses seem like kind, receptive people who would be happy to see this poor man talked down and taken care of.

Like a non-violent mental health swat team?

And with the SWAT, I am not envisioning squads with Thorazine and Atavan in tranquilizer darts, roaming the cities and bagging them some kooks.

We also need cops who are trained and accountable.

As long as you can beat a man to death on film and get administrative leave, this will keep happening.

LOL… At least there are no cops like this in Heaven.

He was HUMAN!!! He was a Dad, A Son, A Brother, too often police officers forget this as they escalate the situation on the citizens, they are supposed to protect and serve.

QUOTE…. “The role of the police is not to serve and protect the people. It is to serve and protect the system that rules over the people. To enforce the relations of exploitation and oppression, the conditions of poverty, misery, and degradation into which the system has cast people and determined to keep people in. The law and order the police are about, with all their brutality and murder, is the law and the order that enforces all this oppression and madness.”
– Bob Avakian

There needs to be more pressure from society at large to stop this.

Trouble is, whenever we try to hold them accountable for crap like this, they threaten us with the usual bogeymen.

If we don’t let cops “do their jobs” we’ll all die at the hands of muggers, rapists and home invaders, so they say.

Our fear usually wins out.

It’s time we realize the world isn’t as horrible as the cops want us to think.

We don’t need to strike a deal with devils to keep us safe.

Police unions are a huge part of the problem


UNIVERSITY PLACE, Wash. — Neighbors who live near Ron Hillstrom say they knew something was not right early Monday morning.

It appeared Hillstrom was having some sort of episode in the parking lot of their University Place apartment complex. Neighbor Ashley Patterson said he was walking around in a circle asking for help.

“I see four officers walking up on him and they’re like, ‘It’s the police,’ and he’s like ‘You’re not the police’, and he goes to run in the circle and as soon as he comes back the police use four tasers at one time,” Patterson said.

She said officers continued to tase him, and once they had him on the ground an officer used a flashlight to strike Hillstrom several times. Multiple residents told KOMO 4 a similar story, and several people also shot video of the incident on their cell phones.

Hillstrom died soon after being subdued. Witnesses say they saw him with a screw driver in one hand, but say he didn’t use it to threaten law enforcement.

“Without seeing the whole entire incident in context, you’re not going to know why that was happening. They, officers all that were there, are all on paid administrative leave while we review it and look into it and determine what happened. Whether there’s a way we could do it better or if somebody did something that wasn’t appropriate,” said Ed Troyer with the Pierce County Sheriff’s Office.

Troyer claims the Pierce County Medical Examiner found no blows to Hillstrom’s head.






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police brutality

What to do during a robbery


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A Memorable And Scary Public Service Announcement

LOL… If you see something, then say something? O_O

But, its easier said than done if you are actually being held up.

So your eyes are like a weapon except they just sort of put you in danger to no immediately helpful end

If you are a lone employee late at night, your robbery contingency plan should be to open the register and avert your eyes so they’d have less reasons to beat/shoot you, ’cause businesses have insurance and you probably don’t.

Technically they could blind you, then rob you blind.

“Quick lady, hand over them eyes before someone gets hurt!”






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