Wayne’s World (PC) intro


Classic TV Clips Channel By classic_tv_clips

What’s that, boss? Shoehorn sound clips of every possible catchphrase into the game? Repeat a bunch of jokes from the movie, only making them less funny in the process? Can do!

That was actually pretty good….NOT!

From the dark days of early CD ROM ‘multimedia’ games.

Something awful in the form of Waynes World?.

Garth looks freaking scary

OMG…. what WAS that!??!?!?

Wayne’s World is one of the things from the 90’s that has aged TERRIBLY.

Dude, that was painful.

That’s some nice MIDI files…. NOT!

Who remembers this awful game

WOW…. Capstone. That’s a logo I haven’t seen in many moons.

Their software was usually pure shit.

I don’t think they released a single non-shitty game.

They were usually crap movie tie-ins.

RIP OFF ARTISTS: They released Terminator Chess and everyone thought it would be a neat terminator version of Battle Chess

But the game players soon found out out that each piece had a grand total of ONE battle animation.

You can probably use a snes emulator and find the game on internet, but why?

SMH…. I feel like I am going crazy watching this. Weird


After a while they don’t even try to match the samples to the right character, line, or mouth animation.

LOL… “The pinnacle of entertainment software”

Capstone…the Pinnacle of Gaming shitness

AMAZING…. Even in the 1990’s this would be crap. and this is i think the reason why some adults are saying that games will damage your brain

Ah, horrible point and click adventures of the 90’s

Maybe it was longer because it didn’t involve pirates, monkeys or Guybrush Threepwood?

Wayne: This game blows chunks

Garth: Yeah the Game Developer’s a gimp.

Wayne: Good Call, Garth.

Garth: his game tries to hard to be funny. BURN IT !!!






Public Domain Dedication






Video Games

Wayne’s World


Tom Brady on SNL skit (Smigel): “Sexual Harassment and You”


Default root channel By root@tube.midov.pl

A good reminder that sexual harassment is said to be in the eyes of the beholder, i.e. the recipient of the pass(es).

Bottom line: however awkward or smooth the advances may be, are they perceived as welcome or unwelcome by the recipient? Because practically speaking, it’s ALL about the perception and response of the RECIPIENT.

So use caution, fellas, as some women aren’t able to voice their objections, and might feel uncomfortable standing up for themselves!

Also, some co-employees are actually concerned with their professional image (maybe even more so than the would-be dater?), and the aggressor is probably not even thinking about how the target may be worried about earning the reputation as the office skank, i.e. the one who ‘dates around the office’. Believe it or not, some people at work are there to, ahem, actually WORK!

Bottom line is, if she doesn’t respond to your advances, you’d be smart to back out gracefully and let the matter drop: you don’t want to face getting served with a lawsuit and/or discharge! After all, is it really worth losing a job over this?

BTW, this video depicts an attempt at striking up a relationship amongst co-workers, and not between a boss/employee (where it’s even MORE QUESTIONABLE). That’s potentially ‘quid pro quo’ harassment, where a boss dangles career advancement in exchange for sexual favors (clearly wrong and illegal).

This video also conveniently sets aside the whole ‘creating a hostile workplace environment’ issue (which Letterman learned about the hard way), where co-workers can file a harassment claim EVEN IF they’re NOT one of the parties of the incident, but simply witness the relationship (including hearing about it via office rumors).

In the case of hostile working environment claims, the question is, what would OTHER workers think if someone who was in a position of supervision was seen to be dating an employee, possibly doling out favors and promotion because of one’s willingness to sleep with the boss? Do other workers ALSO need to sleep with the boss to get ahead? That’s the angle.

Needless to say, the thicket is filled with bristles…. Easiest solution is, don’t go there (because cases such as these often settle out of court for six-figures).

stolen from youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gBVuAGFcGKY



