Waste Deep


Classic TV Clips Channel By classic_tv_clips

Kermit the Frog would like a word about our house…..

ROFLMAO…. Why is Kermit filming a Trump rally?

Kermit PSA: “Waste Deep” aka “Food” (60 Seconds) – Better World Society

In 1989, Kermit the Frog served as spokesfrog for the Better World Society. He appeared in two Public Service Announcements directed by Jim Henson in November of 1988, which aired the next year. In 1990, Jim Henson Productions was presented with Telly Awards for both PSAs.

The first PSA (titled “Food” in production and later honored by the Telly Awards as “Waste Deep”) features Kermit posing a question to the viewer: “What if everyone in the world lived in one house?”

The camera pans from left to right through several rooms filled with Muppet monsters involved in a number of raucous activities: eating food (with the refrigerator door left open), bathing (in a full tub, with the water still running), brushing teeth (the water pressure noticeably affected by the monster bathing in the preceding room) and lastly, a bedroom full of monsters trying to find their own space in an over-crowded bed.

Kermit appears at the end to repeat his question, and answers, “We do.”

LOL… The house is getting smaller though, as can be seen in the clip.

I remember when the Muppets were relevant?





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Classic TV Clips

Kermit the frog


hollow earth