Seeing A Bloomberg Ad On Fox News Trump Takes The Bait

Classic TV Clips Channel By classic_tv_clips

Mike Bloomberg is attacking President Donald Trump in his safe space.

On Thursday morning, the Democrat premiered his newest ad attacking the president on “Fox & Friends,”

Trump’s favorite program that frequently lavishes praise on him. Adding insult, the show also interviewed Bloomberg’s top presidential campaign adviser, Kevin Sheekey.

The previous Michael Bloomberg ad touts the ex-mayor’s accomplishment of cutting the number of uninsured New Yorkers in half, while accusing Trump and Republicans of spending a decade attacking Obamacare.

Bloomberg’s campaign revolves around agitating the president, who has increasingly begun criticizing his former mayor from New York, a self-made billionaire who has spent years belittling Trump as a bad businessman and reality TV star.

Bloomberg also made sure to match Trump in advertising during the Super Bowl, a roughly $10 million endeavor for both campaigns.

And when Bloomberg first announced, one of the first places he bought ad time was in the West Palm Beach, Fla., media market so Trump might see the ad as he visited his Mar-a-Lago club in Palm Beach.

It appears that President Trump has seen at least one of Mike Bloomberg’s onslaught of campaign ads permeating the airwaves.

The commander in chief sent out a series of tweets Monday morning calling the billionaire former mayor’s commercials “False Advertising” and disputing his claims about his administration’s healthcare policies.

“Mini Mike Bloomberg is spending a lot of money on False Advertising. I was the person who saved Pre-Existing Conditions in your Healthcare, you have it now, while at the same time winning the fight to rid you of the expensive, unfair and very unpopular Individual Mandate,” President Donald Trump tweeted.

Trump went on to add that he will improve healthcare further if the GOP wins in court and takes back the House in 2020.

“….and, if Republicans win in court and take back the House of Representatives, your healthcare, that I have now brought to the best place in many years, will become the best ever, by far. I will always protect your Pre-Existing Conditions, the Dems will not!” his second tweet read.

Bloomberg clapped back with a shorter message.

“@ us next time,” his wrote on Twitter, with the symbol referencing that Trump declined to link to Bloomberg’s account when talking about him.




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Donald Trump

Mike Bloomberg